Sub-group meeting discussed tracker development progress

Sub-group meeting discussed tracker development progress

The first meeting of the ‘Sub-group’ representing Electoral Reform Advocacy Working Group (ERAWG) was held at SAMAGRA’s office on 9th December 2024 to discuss the progress on the ongoing electoral reform tracker development. Facilitating the meeting, Dr. Prem Raj Dhungel, Executive Director of SAMAGRA, briefed about the progress and talked about the need of ensuring various elements of Digital Principles and Human Centric Design approach. The IT Consultant Dhurba Gnawali then provided a technical overview of the system and discussed each wireframes to seek the inputs of...
The first collaborative meeting of ERAWG

The first collaborative meeting of ERAWG

The first collaborative meeting of Electoral Reform Advocacy Working Group (ERAWG) was held in SAMAGRA’s office on 21st October 2024. This meeting was held to discuss and share preliminary plan and seek inputs about “Developing an Online Reform Tracker to Increase the Public’s Awareness on the Identified Electoral Reform Issues”, a project that SAMAGRA is implementing with the support from NDI. There were altogether 23 participants from 12 different...
समग्रको ४६ औँ साधारण सभाः

समग्रको ४६ औँ साधारण सभाः

समग्र बिकास सेवा केन्द्रको ४६ औँ साधारण सभा २०८१ आश्विन ४ गते शुक्रवार अपरान्ह ४:३० बजेदेखि यसको कार्यालय चाबहिल, काठमाण्डाैमा बस्ने भएकोले सम्पूर्ण साधारण सदस्यहरूलार्इ उपस्थितिका लागि...